First hosted by: Bharatshakti.im
NEW DELHI: However much the Taliban regime attempts to make itself acceptable to the whole world, not a single country has as yet recognized it. Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan and the Taliban regime are also at an all-time low. The Pakistani decision to evict over a million Afghans has only exacerbated the situation.
The Chinese have huge commercial plans in Afghanistan. Afghanistan’s mineral resources are their prime focus. They are also concerned about the utilization of Afghan soil by the Uighur separatists. The condition of Afghan women is deplorable. They are being denied education and opportunities to work. There are hardly any indicators of a better life for them in the near future. I
India can of course not have any substantial contact with a terrorist group, but a pragmatic view would suggest, Track 2 communications are maintained. Indians are highly respected by the Afghan people and India needs to continue with its efforts to ease the situation for the Afghan people.
Guest: Maj Gen Sanjay Meston (Retd). The General has commanded an infantry division. He has served as a Defence Attaché in Afghanistan. Currently, his interests are focused on strategic issues of import for the region.
Host: Brig SK Chatterji (Retd). Editor, Bharatshakti.in.
To watch the Interview go ro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEaWMfvSQBg&t=855s