Book Review
Valiant Deeds, Undying Memories is a powerful collection of tales from the front-lines of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces’ operations in Sri Lanka in 1987-88. The book, over and above the chapters written by its co-authors Lt Col Atul Kochhar (Retd) & Lt Col BR Nair (Retd), presents the narratives of soldiers, sailors and air warriors who fought astride the cross-currents of India and Sri Lanka relations that often swung like a pendulum’s arc. Both authors have in-depth exposure to Sri Lanka, having operated in multiple sectors. The narratives are appealing, sensitive and expressive enough to situate the reader in the midst of the battle.
A few tales are moving enough to feel the lump in the throat. Though both authors are from the Army, IAF and IN operations have been given major coverage.
Guest: Lt Col Atul Kochhar (Retd) is from 1 JAK LI and served for 22 years in insurgency affected areas. He has a diploma in Sinhala language. Currently, he is involved in restoring the legacy of Indian soldiers in Sri Lanka for Operation Pawan and has co-authored the book ‘Valiant Deeds, Undying Memories’, an anthology of experiences of Veterans of IPKF.
Guest: Lt Col BR Nair (Retd) was amongst the first few Intelligence Corps personnel to set foot on Sri Lanka during the IPKF operations. An ex Artillery officer, he was involved in creating the intelligence network required by the IPKF. A repository of knowledge and a powerful speaker he has co-authored the book ‘Valiant Deeds, Undying Memories’.
Moderator. Brig SK Chatterji (Retd) Editor,